December Tarotscopes 🔮
Aries—Page of Wands December has you poised for adventure, Aries! This month, the Page of Wands encourages you to dream bigger, aim higher and shine brighter. There’s a world of possibility fluttering around you like a field of fireflies. Catch one this month and ask it to help you make your wishes come true. Taurus—The […]
Justice Spider Meditation
What if I told you that we can reframe our pain to deepen our wisdom? Our hurts give us an opportunity to become a better person if we approach them with curiosity and the willingness to grow.
2nd Decan of Scorpio
Unlike Humpty Dumpty, our hearts can be put back together again. All the King's horses and all the King's men can't mend a broken heart; but perspective, forgiveness and the passage of time can.
Making Merry with The World
When The World appears, we’ve done it! We’ve come a long way and learned a lot. The path we travelled taught us not to give up when things got hard. Because we kept going, we learned to count on our ability to finish what we started.