
Cups2nd Decan of Scorpio

2nd Decan of Scorpio

The Six of Cups corresponds to the second ten days of the Sun’s transit through Scorpio. Unlike Humpty Dumpty, our hearts can be put back together again. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men can’t mend a broken heart; but perspective, forgiveness and the passage of time can. 

One of the beautiful things about the Six of Cups is the display of kindness. We’re happier when we give. Research shows time and time again we get more out of spending our money and time on others rather than on ourselves.  Isn’t it lovely that we see a precious exchange between the characters in the Six. There’s a restorative kindness here.

We are happier when we give.

After the contraction of the five, we now enter the expansion of the six. In the Cups, goodwill and tenderness progresses the story forward. If the Five cranked a vice grip around our suffering heart, the gentle affection of the Six takes us by the hand into wholeness. When we look back, we can remember the good as well as the lessons that brought us to the present. 
The next time you pull The Six of Cups, think about a kindness you can do for another person. How can you offer up a sweet act as a salve for your own healing process? Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. You can’t open a window for someone else without some of the light spilling on you.

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