Tarot Prompts
If you don't already have a tarot practice, you might consider starting one. To get an idea of what that might look like, I've included my questions, pulls and interpretations for the past week in the gif above.
Star Power Spread
When Ladybug Star appears, our troubles are passing, leaving a rainbow of promise in their wake. It’s time to feel hopeful again. We can trust our dreams once more. Ladybug Star shares that we know ourselves better now
Three of Swords Spread
Betrayal. Deception. Heartache. The Three of Swords is one of the most challenging cards to receive. It often appears when we’re going through a crisis that’s left us feeling low and disillusioned. A person who we thought was a friend betrayed us. A love we held on to for too long breathes its last breath. Our last hope falls through the aching hole in our heart, gaping wide, raw and senseless.
Tarot Spreads
Our tarot spreads page is growing! We have three-card spreads that cover topics such as our thoughts, friends, anger, goals, getting stuck, buried treasure and more!
Mountains out of Molehills
At times, our mood can take an unexpected nose dive for some reason and everything feels stormy inside. It can be something someone said, a sleepless night, or a to-do list that wraps around the corner that has our nerves frayed. When we’re feeling yucky, no good and ready to yip like a triggered chihuahua, it’s really helpful to be kind to our sensitive and exhausted parts.
A Gentler Me Spread
For this spread, we look to The Empress as a compassionate guide.
The Attention Spread
Et sal uta udi con sete tur est, ei dolore medi o crita tem quo. La bitur omit tantur dis sentiet nam at. Tantas utroque exp tendis et mel, cu pro gra ece time am im pedit. Eum con gue iisque ut, quem wisi ira cundia estu ad. Falli facilis di gnisim eam et. Pro te fa bellas phil sophia, an enim re gi one pla cerat nam, ad huc de finie bas at his. Ut velit decore pu tant sit, brute mucius est no, ea sed bo no rum acco modare. In vim illum effi ciendi. Do lorum de finie bas duo eu, modus pro priae
I’M MAD!! And a little update
Et sal uta udi con sete tur est, ei dolore medi o crita tem quo. La bitur omit tantur dis sentiet nam at. Tantas utroque exp tendis et mel, cu pro gra ece time am im pedit. Eum con gue iisque ut, quem wisi ira cundia estu ad. Falli facilis di gnisim eam et. Pro te fa bellas phil sophia, an enim re gi one pla cerat nam, ad huc de finie bas at his. Ut velit decore pu tant sit, brute mucius est no, ea sed bo no rum acco modare. In vim illum effi ciendi. Do lorum de finie bas duo eu, modus pro priae