How do I use tarot?
There are many ways to use tarot. Some readers pull one or two cards a day to see how the energy of that card will show up. It’s a little like taking the day’s pulse. Others prefer to wait until they have a question or need clarity on a situation. Some do both! You can be as creative as you want with tarot. Here are a few ideas. . .
A deck that promotes kindness 💖
Rather than ignore uncomfortable feelings, the deck encourages readers to accept each moment as it comes without judgement or wanting it to be different than what it is. . .
Here it is! 🌈
Our first look at the completed Faunabelle Tarot deck!! Woohoo!! 🥳
A Gentler Me Spread
For this spread, we look to The Empress as a compassionate guide.
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Rooster Sun Morning Meditation
In honor of the Sun and the bright promise his rise brings to every day, we’ve made a 2-minute morning meditation just for you.
The King of Swords
A Captain of the mental realm, the King of Swords cuts straight through confusion and drama to get at the root of a problem and see the truth of a situation. He’s known for his rational thinking and analytical mind. Do you have a Rubik’s Cube of a problem? Give it to him. He’ll have it sorted and solved in no time.