The Attention Spread
We’ve probably all heard the quote “What you focus on grows”. It’s true! We are powerful creators. When we focus our attention on something—be it positive or negative—we start seeing more of it in our lives. Once we understand that Focus Grows Results, many of us begin to cultivate more mindfulness around our attention habits.
When Donkey Chariot appears, we’re being asked to spend our time consciously. In today’s attention economy which has us picking up our phones an average of 58 times a day, it can be really hard to focus our attention on a project or be present with the people in front of us.
The Chariot offers a victorious combination of discipline, sticktoitiveness and resolve that carries us across the finish line.
The Chariot offers a victorious combination of discipline, sticktoitiveness and resolve that carries us across the finish line. Sometimes that discipline means setting up boundaries around phone use or deleting apps. Other times, it means scheduling blocks of time to do Deep Work. Or Donkey Chariot can suggest that we turn a spotlight to care for our personal relationships which might mean leaving the phone at home or in the car when meeting with a friend or loved one, or tucked away in a phone bed when spending time with our children.
The “My Attention is Precious” spread asks us to take a good look at the attention leaks in our life. When we take an active role in harnessing our attention to consciously direct its use in our lives, the results are pretty spectacular!
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