September Tarotscopes 🔮
Aries—The World
Congratulations Aries! You did it! You kept on going when many others would’ve thrown in the towel. Now it’s time to take a celebratory pause as you give yourself a big pat on the back and revel in how much you’ve accomplished.
Taurus—The Tower
Dear Taurus, you may feel like your world is coming apart at the seams, but it’s only to give you the opportunity to construct something entirely new and wondrous. Have faith: the Universe is conspiring in your favor!
Gemini—Queen of Swords
Sparkling Gemini, September asks you to take a logical step back from a situation or person so that you can be objective and fair. Use the Queen of Swords intelligence and wit to see what you haven’t seen before.
Cancer—Five of Wands
Adorable Cancer, why all the huffing and puffing? Everyone knows that under that hard shell you have a heart of moonstone. It’s time to gather your courage and say what you’ve been feeling. Being clear and kind will help to brighten your September.
Leo—Nine of Swords
Oh Leo! Are your thoughts running circles in your head and keeping your stomach in knots? It’s only because the feelings beneath them want your attention. Sit with your thoughts. Ask them: Why are you here? If you’re still enough, you’ll receive an answer.
Virgo—Five of Pentacles
Have you been ruminating on worst case scenarios Jedi Virgo? No need! You have planetary support this month from the Sun to stabilize and from Mars to take right action. Like the saying goes: “Worry is literally betting against yourself.” Virgo, if anyone can turn compost into potting soil, it’s you!
Libra—Ten of Cups
Luminous Libra! September is an end-of-the rainbow month for you! Open your heart to receive all the warmth and goodness that you’ve worked so hard for this year. Words to live by this month: “I’m just getting started!!!!!”
Scorpio—Eight of Pentacles
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho Scorpio! September sees you rolling up your sleeves and getting your game on! If you’ve been taking a prolonged time-out, you’ll feel charged and ready to plunge back in again this month. Rock ‘n roll, Scorpio! It’s full steam ahead for you!
Sagittarius—The Hierophant
Seriously Sagittarius: what is life teaching you right now? Are you able to see the people, places and things in your life right now as the *perfect* classroom for acquiring wisdom? The Heirophant appears when you’re ready to uplevel your game and grow from your experiences.
Capricorn—Three of Cups
Celestial Capricorn! Good things are getting better in September! The Three of Cups is one part disco and two part bear hugs. So put on your party hat and lipstick as you celebrate the spectacular lift off you’re vibing on this month.
Aquarius—Page of Swords
Put your agile thinking cap on, Aquarius. September offers you a fresh start to be curious about. Examine new opportunities carefully. Ask the right questions. Investigate. These beginnings have the potential to grow!
Pisces—Eight of Swords
Precious Pisces, September wants you to get your of your head and inhabit the other parts of you. If you’ve been feeling stuck and torn, let it be. Put those thoughts on a back burner and get out and enjoy life. Your answer will come when you’re living your life, not anticipating it.
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