The Journey Between the Five and the Six of Pentacles
Life’s lesson for many of us is the journey between the 5 and 6 of Pentacles.
A lot of parents unknowingly instill a scarcity mentality in their children, passing on their own unresolved trauma to their children.
So much of parenting is not about raising children, but raising our own consciousness as people so that we don’t put a clamp on the inherent shine children come into the world with.
How would we feel and what would we do if we knew that we would always be supported?
Addressing feelings of lack and not-enoughness we find in the Five of Pentacles means taking the antidote we find in the Six: acting as if we always live in a state of abundance.
How would we feel and what would we do if we knew that we would always be supported?
In the Five of Pentacles, Alma is conjuring up worst case scenarios. When this card appears, like Alma we worry about all the scary “what ifs” and ruminate on things out our of our control.
Alma moves out of the contraction of the Five by plugging into the life-affirming energy of the Six. By sharing what she has and being generous with her time and resources, she signals that she has more than enough. She is in a position to share.
The Universe is always listening and hears Alma’s contribution. People, places, opportunities and events will conspire to provide Alma with what she needs. Why? Because she is an active participant in the flow of energy and universal law wants to keep the metabolism of flow going.
This two card combo is so powerful. In a nutshell: when you’re afraid of not having enough or things going sideways, share with someone who has less than you. Step into the energetic current of life with an open heart. Be sure to keep your hands open too so you can receive all that is on its way to you!
Mantras for these two cards:
- Five of Pentacles—When feelings of not-enoughness arise, I observe them like clouds that come and go.
- Six of Pentacles—When I open my heart and give, I am part of the joyful aliveness that flows through all things.
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