We chose Goat to represent The Devil as it’s the animal associated with the Sign of Capricorn. In addition, the archetype of scapegoat suits the Devil in that we can blame “the devil” or devilish circumstances rather than accept responsibility for our actions. The Devil is a messenger. He shares that it’s time to pay attention to our feelings so that we don’t end up indulging in self-sabotaging behavior.
Handcuffs decorated on the wall paper are a nod to the handcuffs featured in the Rider Waite Smith deck.
Lollipop symbolizes temptation.
Sheriff badge contains the sign of Capricorn. The badge suggests that the Devil acts as a check on our subconscious motivations and repressed feelings.
Saturn’s symbol is on the Devil’s cane. Saturn is the planet of restriction, boundaries and responsibility. It rules the sign of Capricorn.
Bottle indicates the place where we stuff our feelings.
The Devil is associated with the sign of Capricorn, an energy that understands responsibility and hard work. The Devil offers us the choice to either keep repeating behaviors that keep us stuck or take responsibility for the changes we wish to see in our life. When we see this card, we understand the choice is ours.