We chose Bear to represent Awakening. These mama and bear cubs are just coming out of their long hibernation. Awakening Bears teach us the importance of moving out of the den of complacency and making positive changes in our world.
Sunrise: A new beginning.
Bears waking up from hibernation: Rebirth & resurrection.
Mountains: Challenges we’ve endured. Mountains symbolize challenge, accomplishment and realization.
Pajama patterns: The Cross promises help is coming and you will be taken care of. Angel wings share that we are divinely supported and watched over. Trumpet symbolizes a wake-up call!
Ice on the ground represents patience and the isolation we can feel as we make awakened choices in our lives. This is a time of waiting. If we’re patient, we’ll see results when spring comes and the ice has melted.
Awakening is ruled by the planet Pluto. Pluto is the force of decay, death and glorious regeneration. Plutonian processes can be intense and life changing as we shed parts of ourselves and our lives that no longer fit the person we’re becoming.